23/04/2002 Recording has finally started and will hopefully be finished soon. Our ambition is to get signed, so if you know anyone in the music industry don't forget to put in a good word!
Once again thanks to everyone who's been coming to our gigs. We've been having a great crowd reaction and the 4ft Fingers gig was another success. So keep it up!
05/04/2002 Thanks to everyone who came to the Lightyear gig last night. It was mad! Cock Up's and Lightyear were great and you all either really liked us or were all completely wasted! Anyway, thanks.
22/03/2002 Unfortunately there have been some setbacks on the recording front. The album that we are planning will not be recorded this weekend, but we are hoping to do it in the next couple of weeks. I will keep you posted!
20/03/2002 Guestbook is now up and running, but its confusing. To sign it go to "Sign the guestbook", but to view it click on the link on our links page. Sorry for being so shit on computers!!
20/03/2002 Some pics just been added. Check them out!! There will be some gig photos soon, but for now you will just have to cope with drunken pics!! Thanx to Holly for the pics
19/03/2002 Recording should be going ahead this weekend if all goes to plan, so let us know if you want a copy when its done.
Dan - Just wanna say thanx to Hundred Hand Slap and the Goons for last nite at the Shed. Especially Duane for saving Jay from his guitar disaster!! Cheers Duane.
Dan - first ever news posted on Stamped Outs official website! man... i feel special